Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Notes on Mitie

You know how when you don’t notice something, then you do, then you see it all the time, wherever you go? Mitie is such a case. I’d never noticed or heard of it until recently. Now it’s everywhere, that horrible generic split circle logo and meaningless name (standing for Management Incentive Through Investment Equity), I notice it on vans wherever they go. It feels like I'm in a conspiracy thriller and they’re stalking me. The vans are either parked on every street, or driving along side me. I see their posters in hospitals. Men wearing their T-shirts. It seems like they do everything, everywhere, yet what they actually do is meaningless to me: facilities management, consultancy, project management and a range of specialist services that connect people with innovation and technology; helping our clients go beyond FM to the Connected Workspace. I'm sure they do stuff, but it just sounds so vague and pointless.

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